This year was my first time in my entire life not being at home in Illinois for Christmas. I wasn't sad because I got to go home for a few days before the actual Christmas day, but I was worried about what I'd do all day since most of my friends would be doing family stuff and every business would be closed. I know I could have skated, but I would have been skating alone and I can and do skate almost every other day so I decided to do something I've been curious about, which is to go on a solo hike. Me and some friends sorta got into hiking a little over a year ago but I'd yet to go on one alone. So I tried it out... and alone I was not. There were more people hiking Camelback mountain that day than I'd ever seen any other time we'd done it. I'll have to remember that for next year. Anyway, here's some pictures of my first ever Christmas that didn't involve a single family member or a winter coat!!!!