Name: Larry Bao
Top 3 favorite cities: nyc, tempe in the winter, indianapolis or where ever the friends are
Top 3 skateboarders: romero, kirchart, hsu
Top 3 skateboarders that you know personally: pat binkley, michael shafer, brad westcott
When was your prime? 2 years ago
5 good bands: jesus and mary chain, the exploding hearts, the strokes, rosie and the originals, htrk
5 good songs: the parasails- magic carpet, tiny yong- le sauvage, jesus and mary chain- kill surf city, francoise hardy- comment te dire adieu, the chromatics- mask
5 tricks that you can’t do: any flip trick that has a flip in it
Spirit animal: red panda
5 good books: women by bukowski, cats cradle; breakfast of champions; slaughterhouse five by vonnegut, the fall by camus
What’s the worst? irritation
What’s the best? the night time
3 good non skateboarders: bukowski, mamet, vonnegut
What do you like to do outside of skateboarding? watch good movies and take pictures
What is your prized possession? computer
What will end the world? when every dies