Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Vlad's Bday and Camelback

Last night was Peter Vlad's wonderful horrible bowling birthday party. I was psyched that his girlfriend, Ashley, actually got some sort of activity going for his birthday instead of every just getting wasted this weekend at someone's house. It was a good time, my arm still hurts from getting so many strikes.

The scene
scott was there trying out some possible Chumpchange hand signals
Randy Riv was there getting blogged and blogging
through the legs!

And today I hiked Camelback mountain for the fifth time. I know you guys are probably sick of seeing/hearing about this, but I'm going to keep posting about these hikes until I can do them without almost passing out and puking!

me wanting to pass out and puke
praise Jah that didn't


  1. Jah hath spoken, and shone you the light!

  2. keep it coming. this stuff is getting good. im gonna start working on me re-edit of my interview. fool.
