Sorry to everyone that came out to the demo for the let down. Sorry to those 3 kids who's boards that I broke after I broke mine. Sorry to the kids who saw me nervously puking in the garbage can before the demo. Sorry to the kids who got my sweat splashed on them while I was jumping down the stairs. Sorry to all the filmers for the wasted tapes. Sorry to my fans for the enormous disappointment......... It wasn't a very good demo.
Since I don't have a camera here at camp, I can't update you people on the goingson of what's ... going... on. So instead of updating you on the camp that I'm at, I'm going to post these camp ramp videos for everyone to watch for the first time or hopefully second or third time. Also it's Go Skateboarding Day, and for some reason I never end up skating on Go Skate Boarding day. So I should go do that...
I tried to make it smaller and I couldn't get it to work, sorry
I just found out that my license is suspended and I owe $962 to the law man. Could be worse though, at least it's not $963 dollars. That would be unbearable.