Monday, February 28, 2011
Waiting for Superman
I just finished watching a documentary called Waiting for Superman. The movie is about the schools in America. It's sad at some parts, and sorta hopeful at others. Teachers are some of the most important people that we ever come across in our lives, and all of us who grew up with the ability to go to school are lucky. Unfortunately, not all schools and teachers are good at what they're hired to do. I'd like to think that if being a teacher was a high paying job that more people would want to become teachers and then there would be more competition and higher standards for what teachers are responsible for doing. Making teachers more accountable for earning their high salaries would improve the quality of the education that kids receive. I don't know enough about the situation to back up what I'm saying, but it's just a thought.
What do you teacher types think? (charlie, jamie, etc............)
What do you teacher types think? (charlie, jamie, etc............)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Boards for CARE Partnership
Pretty stoked! I got some boards together for the kids at the CARE Partnership in Mesa. I hope they're psyched. Hopefully soon I'll have some pictures of the kids goofing off with the skateboards, or maybe they'll just stare at me blankly, either way, I'm psyched. Thanks to all the parents and kids at my work who donated their old parts.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Over and Out
My good friend Brad has a new zine out called Over and Out. Skateboarding, photography, interviews with train hoppers and photograph mailers! buy it here

Monday, February 14, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Look who's in town!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Bobby Marksteiner falls for Arizona
Bobby is the best. He skates harder than anyone despite the 70%-80% chance that he's going to eat shit. I applaud and commend him for his efforts with this new video from his visit to Arizona.
Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty good.
My new best friend Michael Worful posted part one of his and Bobby's trip to Arizona this weekend. I can't express enough how much fun those two dudes are to hang out with. I hope that this was the first of many, many trips to AZ for those guys. See the rest of the photos here!

Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Perfect day....
to get my car broken into. I hope that whoever stole my skateboard lands primo on their spine!

Here's the view out of the window at Yeah from Steve

Alex Cohen
I don't specifically remember meeting Alex, but I recently got to spend some time hanging out with him and skating with him when he was visiting Arizona this past December. I sorta consider that to be when I met him because it was my first experience hanging out and having any real conversation with him. He is definitely an good person to be around. Seems to be pretty positive and happy most of the time. I was psyched on his wanting to be outside all day while he was here, taking advantage of our amazing weather and reminding me that I too should be outside enjoying the amazing climate that I live in an have already started to take for granted. As well as being a spreader of positivity, he's also makes cool arts. At any given night at Tempe park you might see one of his colorfully painted shirts warming the shoulders of one of his fans.

Name: Alex Cohen
Top 3 favorite cities: new york, san francisco, seattle, chicago
Top 3 skateboarders:david gravette, mark gonzales, grant taylor
Top 3 skateboarders that you know personally: scott gall, zandoydle roth, ryan lay, alot of that dry bones crap
When was your prime? right now shits blowing up
5 good bands: pablo picasso, basquiat, matisse cezanne daniel johnston
5 good songs: zandy be raw, jay z b kewl, lauryn hill got skillz, nas flowing
5 tricks that you can’t do: well 5 trix that i kan do are front disaster, front 5-0, front tail, kf, and wallride
Spirit animal: BUSTER BEAR
5 good books: shit i dont read but i really enjoy art books
What’s the worst? the worst is the winter
What’s the best? the best is the summer bike rides on the lake at nyte
3 good non skateboarders: mary jean alberto aguilar parents
What do you like to do outside of skateboarding? paint things make things bike rides
What is your prized possession? buster bear
What will end the world? dry bones nation

I got this picture of the painting he did in the bathroom of Yeah boardshop from his blog, 46290
Name: Alex Cohen
Top 3 favorite cities: new york, san francisco, seattle, chicago
Top 3 skateboarders:david gravette, mark gonzales, grant taylor
Top 3 skateboarders that you know personally: scott gall, zandoydle roth, ryan lay, alot of that dry bones crap
When was your prime? right now shits blowing up
5 good bands: pablo picasso, basquiat, matisse cezanne daniel johnston
5 good songs: zandy be raw, jay z b kewl, lauryn hill got skillz, nas flowing
5 tricks that you can’t do: well 5 trix that i kan do are front disaster, front 5-0, front tail, kf, and wallride
Spirit animal: BUSTER BEAR
5 good books: shit i dont read but i really enjoy art books
What’s the worst? the worst is the winter
What’s the best? the best is the summer bike rides on the lake at nyte
3 good non skateboarders: mary jean alberto aguilar parents
What do you like to do outside of skateboarding? paint things make things bike rides
What is your prized possession? buster bear
What will end the world? dry bones nation
I got this picture of the painting he did in the bathroom of Yeah boardshop from his blog, 46290

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