From the desk of a hypocrite: at first I was just jotting shit down to get the ideas out and then I was going to go back later and edit it and change it up and make it sound better. But I just now decided not to.... so.......
The other day I read an article about how out here in the Phoenix area, there is a need for more foster homes. There are more kids in need of foster home placement than there are spots for them. So kids are getting turned away from foster homes and sent to shelters and group homes, but since the shelters and group homes are full, they're being sent away from them as well. At the same time that this is happening, funding for foster kids is being cut by the state to save money. So now there are kids ending up on the streets because would be foster homes are closing or not opening because people can't afford to do it anymore. On top of that, Child Protective Services is getting a lot of shit from people for not 'doing their job' and placing these kids, yet the current state of things makes it impossible for them to place ever child somewhere.
Now this is just another 'problem' that we hear about and just gloss over and say 'oh that's terrible' and go about our day. And I'm realizing more and more all the time that that mentality is exactly what is wrong with the world, on a big scale and a small scale. We're selfish. Everything we do is for and about ourselves. We know it's not good to be selfish but that's all we know. What we think is important isn't important. We're brought up knowing that the most important thing in this world is to fall in love. Every day it's crammed down our throats that we must find a mate and marry that person. Despite the fact that we know half of marriages don't work. And how much time and effort and energy do we spend attempting to find, attract, maintain a relationship, marry, care for etc that ONE person. Who does that help....? ONE person. What if our priorities are all wrong, what if we spent that much time, energy, and effort on more than one person. What if we did as much to help children find homes as we did to help ourselves make sure we have a husband or wife? Imagine how our culture could be different if we stopped focusing on loving one person and focused on helping every person. Imagine if there were movies that came out every weekend about amazing people who adopted kids or helped them fill out job applications!
Another thing is money. Government doesn't pump money into these things because they don't pump money right back out. So programs, like the ones I read about that try to help 17 year olds in foster care who are about to 'age out' and go into the world, get their funding cut and that increases the chances of those kids ending up on the streets or in jail. Don't they see that this is an investment though. There is no reason that a kid who grew up in foster care couldn't have the same chances once they turn 18 and go to college. I mean, no one even pays attention in school until college anyway. Imagine if you could make $100k a year helping 18 year olds who've 'aged out' of foster care learn to fill out job applications, or rent apartments. It would be a competitive job that people wanted to have. The way it is right now, they have volunteer programs that allow you to do that. But because we're selfish, who's got the time? Same with teachers, imagine if you being a teacher meant you made $80 grand to start with. Teachers would be highly paid and highly qualified to teach, they'd have to be or someone else who's more qualified would take their spot. I know that there are flaws to this way of thinking. Some would say they wouldn't want people just doing these jobs for the money. And I agree that people shouldn't just want to do them for money, but the way it is now isn't working because kids are being turned away from homeless shelters!