Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Back home?
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A camper stole my phone and took a picture of me.

Some cool kids, Judd and Alex. Alex is actually one of my favorite kids. He's the one on the right with the blonde hair and dreds. I met him last summer at camp. He was homesick and I was pretty much the first person to talk to him and made him feel better, he was attached to my hip the rest of the week at camp. He came back this summer and we hung out again. That kid makes me want to get more involved with the kids that I work with and he makes me want to find some sort of job where I have the opportunity to become a part of a kid's life in a more meaningful way. Hanging out with him just made me happier at camp and I know he was really psyched to hang out with me too. He's also a really good guitar player.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ari decided he didn't like the way this kid was looking at him so he started a two man brawl

The park was super crowded though, Ari tried to get the footy and some other dude was trying the same trick!
After the skatepark, we went to a place called the Secret Beach, all those people heard the secret.

Ari took LSD and thought he could fly.
After the San Diego party was over, Ari and I headed back up to Santa Ana to hang out with the White T shirt gang!

We did some skate tourism.

Lindsay got down on the hubba, but you're going to have to wait for the video to see.

But not without taking me out first

Monday, August 24, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
My day part two.
A new chapter!
Ari and Brad

Ari and Brad and a Yeah board!

We went to this half Trueride and half cement skatepark. It was fun, but my toe is pwned so I could only skate slightly.

Oh wait nevermind it's alive
Brad's cousin Zack backsmiths for his Chumpchange debut
This is the hubba that made Ari want to lay down
Ari laying down just after that hubba pwned him

We saw this spot from the road and it looked amazing, it was all rough and shit.
We went to what's called the slider banks and I kicked it while Zack tried some shit
Brad rolling away with more steeze than you could shake a cane at!
Zack bluntsliding to staplegun!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
This is some footy and photos (can you really call celly pix 'photos?') from a day away from camp.

Some footy:
Here's one of my new favorite people, Eric from Las Vegas. I've met him before but now I've gotten to know him a little more and he definitely lives up to the awesome things that I heard about him!
This guys has knocked himself out twice in two weeks. Lucas nosepick in between concussions.
Later that day I went here