It's not what it looks like!
California boys in what should be called the 'bird bath'
Brad and Ben are close...... very close.
Bart attempting to still skate......
Ben back tails in the birdbath.
Ben back tail shuv the birdbath.
Ben backsidenosegrind180out!
Ben kickflip to fakie big surfy
Brad Rogers nollieshuv manny
Chris Fetter tailslides the birdbath
and again....
Lester boardsliding to fakie
Straight edge steve falling in the birdbath
Straight edge steve completes his lipslide mission!
Patrick Franklin - Roger of the Month - Dec 09 from Roger Skateboards on Vimeo.
Good Times Roll from 2HeadedHorse on Vimeo.
Things got a little bit serious and I had to edit the footage so that I wouldn't blow out Ryan's tricks before the 'video' comes out.
just the usual chumpchange stuff here.... nothing special...... just the usual boring stuff.
Tj fakie flippy flap
My personal favorite clip of the night was from the dude that you usually don't find tossing himself down huge gaps like the tempe six stair! Pete Trapasso switch heel down the bitch!
Here's a bonus clip of Zoe getting down on the six stair from about 4 years ago........
Ryan Reyes, some random serious guy, Andrew McCarthy, and Ted Schmitz. The crowd loves TED!
The 3flip contest was a carcass toss!
Dylan and Mccarthy
But Ryan wasn't going to let him off that easy!
Michael Shaifer's Chumpchange debut. Backlippy.
Wes will will try anything for money.
Including really stupid shit.
Sean was a little jealous of all the attention Wes was getting.... so he decided to hit the stairs as well.
Tj's boneless changed the tone of the evening and things got a bit more serious after that.
Tj and Wes.
That's not how you do it Ryan, you gotta ride up the ramp, launch off the top and spin in the air. Watch Ted!
but it was no easy task
I'm not really that tall, and Erik O isn't really that shortThe little kids table!
Oh well, at least he filmed him slightly better than I did!
Kevin Taylor from 48BLOCKS.COM on Vimeo.